Thursday, July 2, 2009

Most spiders are not poisonous and pose little or no harm to humans. In the United States, particularly the Southern states, there are only two harmful species of spiders: the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider (commonly called violin spider). Both spiders prefer warm climates and dark and dry places. In the wild, they normally live between rocks, but they can be found living at home, in the closets, under sink, and woodpiles.

Most spider bites happen during the summer months mainly because people-spider-encounter is highest – when people go to places where known spiders live and when spiders are most active. Spider bites are painful and can cause discomfort, but they rarely pose serious problems.

Symptoms of black widow spider bites:
• Eyelid swelling
• Sweating
• Dizziness
• Rash and itching
• Nausea or vomiting
• Anxiety, restlessness
• Tearing of the eyes
• Salivation
• Paralysis, tremors, weakness, especially in the legs
• Muscle rigidity in the stomach shoulders, back, and chest
• Immediate pain, swelling, redness, and burning at the site of the bite
• Presence of double fang marks.
• Cramping pain

First Aid

Wash the area of the bite with soap and water.
Apply ice pack or cold compress.
Apply antibiotic lotion or cream to protect against infection.
To relieve pain, give acetaminophen.
If further treatment is required, seek emergency care.
If possible, make a positive identification. Do not catch the spider or pick up a dead spider.

Symptoms of brown recluse spider bites:
• Fever
• Rash
• Nausea or vomiting
• Body aches
• Headaches
• Chills
• Presence of purple area or deep blue, surrounded by a whitish inner ring and red outer ring
• Pain, burning, itching, or redness at the site of the bite. This may usually develop several hours or days of the bite.

First aid
Wash the area of the bite with soap and water.
Apply ice pack or cold compress.
Apply antibiotic lotion or cream to protect against infection.
To relieve pain, give acetaminophen.
Elevate the site if the bite occurred on a leg or arm.

Spiders are peaceful creatures. They prefer living alone. But when they are disturbed or threatened, (like any other creature) they will do everything to protect themselves. Do not go anywhere near the spider.

Stay safe. Nothing beats safety-first attitude. Wear proper protective clothing when performing outdoor activities or when cleaning your house and your backyard. Wear hand gloves and proper shoes.

Beware of dark and damp areas like attics, cellars, sink, and closets.


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